Thursday, August 23, 2012

GenCon Cherry Popped

I've lived in the Indy area since 1996 and had never been to GenCon, until this year. I only went for a couple hours on Sunday (cheap tickets!) but it was awesome! If you haven't made it before, I highly suggest you stop by in 2013. The reason I decided to make the trip this year was because Forgeworld was going to be there. Although I spent a considerable amount of money with the Forgeworld folks, it wasn't even close to the best part. I love tshirts and snagged one for me and one for the girlfriend as well (ya we gonna match).

I spent the majority of my time waiting in line for a ticket and then shopping in the exhibit hall. GW/FW had a lame booth since most of the merch was behind the table and you couldn't figure out what they had by browsing, you had to ask the dude from GW (not FW) who was helping you out and had no clue what was in stock or what half the models I requested were. I walked out with books, event only models, and an order coming in a few weeks (and -500$).

Check back in like 3 weeks to see what I ordered. I guess I also popped my Forgeworld cherry. I've never ordered from them before although I scored some Vanaheim Medusa upgrade kits (LOVE THIS MODEL) from eBay a while back, I haven't gotten around to building the models yet. I'm afraid this will be a slippery slope as I love most of the FW sculpts, but the price is usually pretty steep. I'd order stuff onesie twosies if the shipping wasn't so damned expensive. Hopefully this will hold me over till GamesDay or GenCon 2013.

I stumbled into the booth of one of my favorite resin game accessories companies, Armorcast, and stumbled out with a handful of cool minis.

I love their venus flytrap/mantrap sculpts and snagged the large and medium one of those as well as cool looking alien plant and some tree stumps.  Both large and med mantraps have poseable mouths.  I can't decide whether to turn this into gameable terrain or make a cool diorama or display board or something.

There are some cast flaws and some chips from being shipped but a little milliput will fix that (I hope...) The detail on the mantraps is awesome but the medium one has a ton of air bubbles to fill. I also grabbed a few of their cinematics effects line to give them a shot (pun) on some plasma, lasguns, and flamers. I probably could've made these myself but meh.

The CMON booth had a really cool Bane Beast that I wanted to buy but I felt like I blew my budget at FW and it wasn't on sale or anything which was kind of lame.  Either way how sick is this sculpt?  Would love to use that as a treeman ancient in my fantasy wood elves army.  Would also love to learn how to paint some object source lighting from that ward stone thingy in his chest.

On the way out my buddy grabbed the Walking Dead board game. We hopped over to the slippery noodle and decided to check it out before heading home. I don't know how I never thought of this before but woodchuck + shot of goldschlager = cinnamon win.  That is officially an equation now.  Walking Dead board game pretty good.  I'm convinced its impossible to win as a survivor but the first two survivors that die turn into walkers and try to screw over their friends.  Seems to me like the zombies win everytime, which is actually probably pretty damned realistic.  Kudos to whoever made that game.  Also, it has a solo mode.  I've never seen a one player board game before (this one is 1-4).  I don't want that tv show but maybe I should start.

Overall, GenCon was super cool and I highly suggest everyone check it out at least once. Maybe next year I'll try to get some gaming in too. Anybody else snag anything cool this year at the con?

Look for some posts about the assload of GW terrain I recently procured or maybe that game table I built (very poorly) in my garage.  I'm gonna leave yall with this cool fan music video someone made (not me) featuring some awesomeness from a punisher comic book (kind of catachany, like my army [ps my IG army is catachan]):

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